How to Train for Snowboarding

How to Train for Snowboarding

Snowboarding is a physically demanding sport that requires a mix of strength, endurance, balance, and mobility. Whether you're gearing up for your first season, training for the off-season or looking to enhance your skills, a structured training plan can help improve your riding ability, reduce fatigue, and minimize injury risks. Off-season and pre-season training will prepare your body for the slopes, ensuring you can ride longer and with more control. As a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Snowboard Instructor, this is my quick and easy guide to getting your snowboard training journey started. 

How to Structure Your Snowboarding Training

A well-rounded snowboard training program should include strength training, mobility work, endurance conditioning, and balance exercises. Here’s a general training schedule to follow:

  • 2 Days of Strength Training – Focus on lower body, core, and upper body strength.

  • 2 Days of Cardiovascular Training (Speed & Agility) – Mix steady-state cardio with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or Multi-Directional Speed & Agility (MDSA). Arguably the most important!

  • 1-2 Days of Balance and Proprioception Training – Improve stability and board control. Sprinkle in with your strength days.

  • 1-2 Days of Plyometrics Training - Plyometrics are just enough stress for our tendons/ ligaments so they can withstand the stressors of jumping on the mountain. In addition, these are great for injury prevention, improving your jumping/ landing mechanics and overall performance. Prefer to make these their own day but can implement with strength days
  • 1-2 Days of Short Mobility Work – Keep joints mobile, flexible and strong under range. Do this in morning or evening

Guidelines for Effective Training

  • Progress Gradually – Start with foundational exercises and increase intensity over time. Stress on the tissues should be introduced appropriately. Too much to soon can lead to over-training or even worse, injury. 

  • Prioritize Recovery – Rest days and active recovery (stretching, foam rolling, modalities) prevent burnout and injuries.

  • Focus on Snowboarding-Specific Movements – Train movement patterns that mimic the demands of riding.

  • Listen to Your Body – Modify workouts if you feel pain or excessive fatigue. Lack of motivation, on the other hand, is not a great reason to not train! 

  • Reps & Sets - You can work through these 1-3 times, taking shorter breaks (30 sec) to keep your heart rate up or longer (60-80 sec).

Strength Training for Snowboarding

Building strength is essential for stability, power, and control on the mountain. A well-rounded strength routine should target the lower body, core, and upper body.

Dynamic Warm-Up

A short and sweet warm up prior to your workouts can aid in performance, range of motion, and reduction in injury. Use the video below as your warm up or spend 5-10 minutes on a treadmill, bike, rower, etc. 

Lower Body Strength 

Strong legs help you absorb impact, maintain balance, and generate power through turns. Focus on:

Snowboard Squats

What it strengthens: Heavy in quad and glute strength, this also approaches ankle dorsiflexion for those toe side edges. In addition, we work on finding that range with toe/heel and nose/ tail using pressure change with our ankles, knees and hips.

Props: Optional Weight 

1) Drop into a squat position and stand as you would on a snowboard
2) With arms out, change your pressure onto your toes, then heels
3) Shift pressure to nose, then tail 
4) Come out of the squat position or continue again 
5) Repeat 8 times

Tips & Modifications: Dont drop into a deep squat, start high!

Spanish Squats

What it strengthens: Similar to above, we focus primarily on quad and glute strength. The difference here is the band aids in range we can drop in. We also focus more on the quality of the isometric contraction, essential for snowboarding. This also qualifies as a great mobility and rehabilitation exercise. 

Props: Large Band, Anchor Point

1) Grab a large band, anchor it and place the other side on the back of your knees
2) Drop into a comfortable squat position with arms out for balance
3) Hold for 4-5 seconds, focusing on your quads and glutes
4) Stand back up and repeat 6 times

Tips & Modifications: The larger the band, the easier it will be! Start high, and slowly move lower. Also shorten the hold if to challenging. 

Suitcase Carry Power Lunges

What it strengthens: This is great for generating power in a single leg. Rarely are you balanced between both extremities and this is a great isolator. Lunges are awesome for quad, glute and hip strength. We add the weight in to get the hips and core involved. 

Props: Weight 

1) With the weight on one side, step forwards into a lunge with the opposite leg
2) Generate power through that front foot and drive upwards into a small march
3) Move backwards into a reverse lunge and repeat
4) Repeat 12-14 times each leg

Tips & Modifications: Try little to no weight if challenging or lessen the range of the lunge. 

Core Strength 

A strong core improves balance, stability, and edge control. 

Core Cones

What it strengthens: Our primary focus here is endurance for the rectus abdominis (6 pack) as it's a primary flexor of the abdomen. More importantly, your core connects the upper and lower extremities and protects the spine. It's a game changer with snowboarding as it aids in control, endurance, performance, etc. This can also be a greta hip flexor strengthener! 

Props: Cones or props around home

1) Setting up a series of props (cones, socks) have a seat with legs extended so ankles are above the props
2) Using your core, lift your feet together and tap your heels in the middle between each prop. Be slow and steady
3) Continue for 45 -60 second bouts

Tips & Modifications: Lessen the time to 20-30 seconds if too challenging. If youre feeling it more in your hip flexors, youre utilizing the wrong group of muscles. 

Upper Body Strength

While snowboarding is lower-body dominant, upper-body strength helps with pushing off the ground, maintaining balance, and absorbing falls. We add the unstable surface for a greater challenge and multi-tasking. 

Single Leg Corkscrews

What it strengthens: This great for strengthening all around your rotator cuff/ deltoids whilst also challenging your core/ balance. 

Props: Unstable surface (Foam pad or pillow), Weight 

1) Standing on one leg on an unstable surface, grab your weight and bring towards the side of your head. 
2) Begin rotating either direction forming a corkscrew motion around the body, starting at the head, waist, then leg.
3) Once you reach the bottom, move back up the opposite direction. 
4) Repeat 4 times on each leg 

Tips & Modifications: Take away the unstable surface if too challenging or lessen weight. Close your eyes if you want to make this more difficult! 

Deadbug Rows

What it strengthens: I love this because it's multi-tasking at its finest. We add in a dead bug for that core and glute engagement. The row is primarily for posterior muscles being strengthened including upper back, shoulder. 

Props: Raised surface (Box/ Bench/ Chair), Weight 

1) Grab your raised surface and balancing the opposite arm and leg. Extend the opposite leg so the glute is engaged while the other arm is lowered down towards the floor. 
2) Grab the weight from the floor and perform a back row, squeezing your shoulder blade together at the top range.
3) Lower the weight and repeat.
4) Repeat 14 times both arms.

Tips & Modifications: If you cannot perform the initial dead bug, place your foot down on the side as a kickstand. If too easy, add an unstable surface under the knee. Also, adding padding under the knee will be more comfortable. 

Single Arm Glute Bridge w/Rotational Press

What it strengthens: This time we approach glute strength, chest/ shoulder strength, core strength and thoracic mobility from our spine. 

Props: Raised surface (Box/ Bench/ Chair), Weight 

1) Place your shoulder blades on a raised surface
2) Perform a glute bridge, keeping your hips raised and level
3) One one side, raise the weight to perform a single arm chest press
4) At the top range, push the weight towards the ceiling using your core and spine to rotate.
5) Lower the weight and repeat.
6) Repeat 12 times each side 

Tips & Modifications: Use less weight to make easier or raise one leg to make more difficult. 

Balance and Proprioception Training

Snowboarding requires exceptional balance and body awareness. Training your balance will improve stability and control on the board.

Single Leg Stance Ball Training 

What it strengthens: The unstable surface is primarily there for the challenge but this multi-tasking requires that your brain work in various areas simultaneously. Like you do snowboarding, this multitasking ability is essential for performance and injury prevention. We add the ball in for added challenge and great proprioception requirements from the body. 

Props: Unstable surface (Foam Pad/ Pillow), Ball

1) On an unstable surface, drop into a slight single leg squat
2) With the ball in one hand, toss it in the air in one spot.
3) Simultaneously grab the ball with the other hand and repeat.
4) Focus on one spot the entire time.
5) Repeat for 30 seconds on both legs

Tips & Modifications: Dont use the unstable surface to make it easier. Rotate head to make it more challenging. 

Endurance and Cardiovascular Training

Cardiovascular endurance is crucial for riding longer without fatigue. Snowboarding is an interval-based sport, meaning your training should include both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. We love MDSA training for the powerful turns and adjustments that need to be made on the hill. 

  • Interval Training (HIIT) – Short bursts of high-intensity effort followed by rest.

  • Steady-State Cardio – Activities like cycling or running to build endurance.

  • Multi-Directional Speed & Agility (MDSA) – Improve explosive power for jumps and quick turns.

  • Try 1-2 days per week 30-60 minute bouts 

Plyometrics Training

Plyometrics training for snowboarders is one of the most important aspects to off hill training. The funny thing is, most athletes dont train with plyometrics. These series of exercises stress our soft tissues like our tendons and ligaments to handle the force being required. We use that energy within these tissues to create enough power to jump and adjust on the mountain. In addition, its great for your joints and perfecting mechanics.

Single Leg Stance Ball Training 

What it strengthens: Tendons, ligaments, joints. In addition, explosiveness created through energy. 

Props: Unstable surface (Foam Pad/ Pillow), Ball

1) In a seated position, transfer your weight slowly forward
2) When your feet touch the ground, immediately explode by transferring the force downwards.
3) Jump as high and as quickly as you can
4) Repeat 8 times 

Tips & Modifications: Try less repetitions until you feel more comfortable or less explosiveness. 

Mobility Training for Snowboarding

Flexibility and mobility improve range of motion, reduce injury risk, and enhance movement efficiency on the board. Remember, mobility is strength under range. This should feel uncomfortable, not painful! Mobility work can be a workout in itself or casual movements before bed/ waking up. Being mobile means being able to handle the stress under various ranges while on a snowboard to avoid injury, complete a movement, or perform basic tasks like strapping in. 

  • Hip Mobility Drills – Improve flexibility for deep carving and better board control.

  • Thoracic Spine Mobility – Enhance rotational range for smoother turns.

  • Ankle Mobility Work – Increase flexibility for better board flex and responsiveness.

Final Thoughts

A well-structured training plan that includes strength, mobility, endurance, plyometrics and balance work will significantly enhance your snowboarding performance. Consistency is key—incorporate these exercises into your routine, and you'll feel stronger, more agile, and ready to take on any terrain. If you want more formal programming we highly encourage you to check out our programs to get you to the next level! 

Mark Penewit

Aspiring professional soccer player and Doctor of Physical Therapy. ​ I do not believe one exercise mode is superior to another. They all provide their own strengths and weaknesses.
While a manual hands-on approach is appropriate at times, I prefer to educate the patient, provide them the tools and deliver the long term solution they are seeking.
If I am not in the office, you can find me on the mountain.
Keep on growing.

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