Snowboard Foot Pain? These Are Your Solutions!

Snowboard Foot Pain? These Are Your Solutions!

One of the most common questions we get asked is:

I'm having foot pain while snowboarding, what can I do about it? 


Foot pain while snowboarding

Normally, this pain is substantial enough to bring the rider to complete stop and take a rest. Today’s blog I will provide my expertise on this issue and the next steps you can take to resolve it. This is a complicated problem to have because like any fine-tuned machine, the foot is complex! To give you a great example of this:

Snowboard Foot Pain: Understanding Foot/Ankle Anatomy

There are roughly 26 bones in the foot,a series of 100 muscles/ ligaments/ tendons 33 joints. The ankle and foot can also move in 8 different directions

So, as you can see there are literally many moving parts! I could spend hours discussing the complexities of human anatomy and biomechanics but most people will not fall under this category. The simple fact remains, this foot pain will most likely be resolved with one of these changes. I emphasize ‘changes’ because like any great scientific experiment, one thing should be changed at a time to find the true source of discomfort.

Now, if this pain is not resolved, it is in my humble opinion that seeking out the expertise of a health professional is warranted. They can see how you move and the discrepancies that may be present in your biomechanics affecting your feet.

Without further ado, these are my best recommendations for those having foot pain when riding:

Watch the version on Instagram HERE:

Snowboard Boots

Without a doubt, the most common problem to foot pain. Your snowboard boots are arguably the most important piece of equipment you own when snowboarding. They are the foundation to your riding and can make or literally break your day. I have clients who can only go on one run before they need to stop purely due from foot discomfort. Badly fitting boots can lead to foot pain, heel lift, and discomfort, emphasizing the importance of selecting boots that provide a snug, pressure-free fit. These are my suggestions to try with your boots:

  • Width

  • Stiffness

  • Tightness of laces/ Boa

  • Laces versus boa

  • Arch

  • Height

  • Molding

  • Brand

  • Bindings/ Stance

Very often boot tightness can cut blood flow off to nerves or tissues. This can cause cramping due to insufficient nutrient being directed towards these tissues. Often I see the lateral (outside) of the leg being cutoff or pinched against the boot. If you get a chance, try multiple boots on in the store as they are all so different based on the manufacturer. Some are more customizable than others in regards to laces/ boas/ molding/ stiffness/ etc. Opting for boots with a bigger toe box can significantly improve comfort and help with issues such as circulation and nerve pain. It also may take time to ‘fit’ by using the boots more and more until they can form to your foot and tendencies. Many stores will also provide a ‘blow out’ when they manually stretch out the boot after you purchase it so it’s more comfortable.

A knowledgeable boot fitter can help address various foot pain issues caused by improper boot fit, tight laces, and binding setup. Custom orthotics specifically designed for snowboarding can improve stability and overall foot health, enhancing performance in various activities. Properly fitting boots can prevent heel lift, which can negatively affect performance while riding.


This might be tied with first place on why you are having foot pain. This can absolutely affect how your arch is supported and the weight distribution through your feet when riding, leading to overuse of foot muscles. Things to try with your bindings/ stance

  • Width
  • Angle

Improper technique, especially when riding on the heel edge for extended periods, can exacerbate foot pain. It's crucial to ensure proper alignment and consider lessons to improve your technique.

One thing I see all too often (especially with newer riders) is a tendency to focus on either heel or toe edge for a majority of the day. This could be from fear, conditions or inexperience. Regardless, this overuse on one side forces our soft tissues to cramp due to fatigue. Some of the muscles that can be affected include:

  • Anterior Tibialis (Primary dorsiflexor)

  • Gastrocnemius (Calf muscle) (Primary plantarflexor)

  • Fibularis muscles (Longus & Brevis) (Primary Evertor)
  • Extensor Hallucis Longus (Primary dorsiflexor)

Excessive flattening of the foot during toe-side turns can significantly contribute to arch pain. Strengthening the arch and preventing this flattening can alleviate discomfort associated with toe-side snowboarding maneuvers.

While this list is not exhaustive, these are the primary complaints, especially the Fibularis muscles. So what’s a possible solution here? Work on mixing up your heelside/ toeside carving and even attempt riding switch!

Loosen up!

One thing I see with newer riders is a stiffness to their riding, often because their feet hurt. They are preparing for the next fall and cannot fully loosen up. This stiffness and over reliance on certain muscles/soft tissues can overwork these systems. While this may take time, refer back to the paragraph above to add variety into your riding rather than relying on one way that you may be better at for the moment. Working on our weaknesses ultimately makes us better riders and potentially less discomfort overall.

Snowboard Bindings

Another culprit in the mix is your bindings. Companies are making so many customizable features for bindings that a majority of us will never utilize. This is a mistake! You can really tweak your bindings to work for you, rather than the other way around. Some factors to think about:

  • Stiffness

  • Tightness

  • High back positioning

  • Placement of straps

  • Cushion

  • Brand

Heel lift problems can arise from improper boot fit and tightness, leading to significant discomfort and performance issues. Adjusting your bindings can help address these problems by ensuring a better fit and reducing pain.

What are the conditions you are going into? What type of terrain are you riding? Do you prefer stiff or soft bindings? What is your normal foot stance outside of bindings? Do you have narrow or wide feet? Do you want the highbacks forward or back? Bindings can play a big part in if your feet are forced into a natural arch or artificial arch overworking muscles eventually leading to cramping.


As simple as it sounds, socks can play a huge role in comfort, blood flow, and warmth. Not all socks are created equal, we love Stance but everyone will have their preference:

  • Double versus single layer

  • Thickness

  • Material

  • Compression

Nutrition/ Hydration

Water is vital to any activity and I see all too often snow sport athletes not drinking water on the slopes. Imbalance of electrolytes can play a role in muscle tightness/ cramping within the foot.

12 ounces of water every hour on the mountain


Custom Orthotics

I am not usually a big fan of insoles but some people swear by them. As long as my clients know that these are bandaids, and not solutions I am all for them. Some of us have low arches and this can contribute to foot pain and arch pain. Utilize a cheap OTC insole like this and see if it makes a difference.

Wearing custom orthotics can significantly alleviate issues related to foot pain, particularly for snowboarders. They provide proper arch support, which is essential for managing discomfort during activities like snowboarding.

I have used Superfeet with previous patients/ clients and myself.

Biomechanics and Foot Pain

This suggestion is just to say that our kinetic chain can influence our foot biomechanics and weakness in our ankles/ knees/ hips can potentially affect our feet. I would recommend a movement consultation by myself or local professional to see where your discrepancies may be. I would always recommend the above changes first before paying for a movement consultation.

Foot Stretches for Heel Pain

Again, these may or may not help but its an easy exercise to implement. If you feet are indeed cramping, this could provide some temporary relief

  • Lacrosse ball rolling

  • Towel scrunches for foot doming

Fitness Levels

What are your current fitness levels? How often are you snowboarding? You cannot expect to perform at your peak if you are not equally active off the mountain. As I always say, snowboarding is an inherently extreme sport and training should match. If you are compensating in ways to protect yourself, you are not working efficiently. Being overworked can absolutely cause lower extremity discomfort, including heel pain, so working off the hill will benefit you on the hill.

Using a soft boot can also help reduce foot pain by providing better fit and footbed support, which is crucial for comfort during snowboarding activities.

Checkout our Shred 3.0 program for a 12 week snowboarding specific workout

Give these a try, give us a shout out, and we hope you can ride pain free!

Curious what the most common snowboard injuries are?

Be well!

Mark Penewit

Aspiring professional soccer player and Doctor of Physical Therapy. ​ I do not believe one exercise mode is superior to another. They all provide their own strengths and weaknesses.
While a manual hands-on approach is appropriate at times, I prefer to educate the patient, provide them the tools and deliver the long term solution they are seeking.
If I am not in the office, you can find me on the mountain.
Keep on growing.

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